The GS-Kit provides customers with all the necessary elements to install a tracking station for small LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites, from installation and structural material to control software. Its rackable dual Software Defined Radio (Alén’s SDR Rack), compatible with GNU Radio, provides flexibility for different missions. It can simultaneously support three bands: VHF, UHF and S-Band.
The GS-Kit is delivered in a box ready to be installed by the user, following the installation manual provided. The kit also includes an operations manual. The ease of assembly makes site survey, training and installation assistance by Alén Space's technicians only needed upon request. The company can provide remote installation support.
The GS-Kit includes the following outdoor equipment:
- Structure for antennas
- Azimuth rotator
- Elevation rotator
- Antennas (2 yagi and one helix or dish)
- Cables
The GS-Kit includes the following indoor equipment:
- Rotor controller
- SDR rack, connected directly to the outdoor LNAs/LNC
- Power rack
- Server rack
This kit can include the following antennas:
- Antenna 1 and Antenna 2:
- VHF: 144 MHz - 146 MHz
- UHF-400: 395 MHz - 405 MHz
- UHF-435: 430 MHz - 440 MHz
- Antenna 3:
- S-Band Helix: 2250 MHz - 2450 MHz
- S-Band Dish: 2.1 GHz - 2.6 GHz (Only 100MHz of bandwidth)
Outdoor equipment options (select desired equipment above):
- VHF antenna:
- 144 to 146 MHz (uplink and downlink)
- Size: 1.46 m
- UHF-400:
- 400 to 402 MHz (uplink & downlink)
- Size: 3.58 m
- UHF-435:
- 430 to 440 MHz (uplink & downlink)
- Size: 1.27 m
- S-band dish:
- 2.1-2.6 GHz, 100 MHz to be selected (downlink)
- Size: 1.9 m (diameter)
- S-band helix:
- 2250-2450 MHz (downlink)
- Size: 1.25 m (40 turns)