- Lead Time:
- 4 to 8 months
- Pointing Knowledge:
- 0.1 deg @ Sunlit
- Pointing Knowledge:
- 1 deg @ Eclipse
- Pointing Accuracy:
- 0.2 deg @ Sunlit
- Pointing Accuracy:
- 1 degree @ Eclipse
- Power consumption:
- 2.7 W (@ half momentum)
- Voltage Supply:
- 3.3V to 5V
- Form Factor:
- Tuna Can + 0.25U
- Form Factor:
- 0.7U
- Mass:
- <495 g
- Angular Momentum Storage:
- 13 mNms on 2-axis (X, Y)
- Torque:
- < 1 mNm for 2-axis (adjustable)
- Slew Rate:
- >5 deg/sec
- Interface:
- Interface:
- RS485/422
- Interface:
- I2C
- Optional Accessories:
- GNSS receiver and Star Tracker
- Tracking
- Fine Pointing
- Sun Pointing
- Detumbling
- Safe Mode
- Optional GNSS receiver
- Comprehensive software support and free technical support
ADCS-10m is an integrated ADCS built around a variable-speed, single-gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) suitable for 3U CubeSats. It delivers comparable performances compared to ADCSs designed for similar sizes of satellites but offers lighter weight, more compact volume as it can fit within the tuna can, and less power consumption.
Users can directly input through the onboard computer (OBC) attitude quaternion as the reference command or set the system to automated modes such as de-tumbling, sun-tracking, LVLH, and target tracking modes.
Attitude determination and control algorithms embedded in the ADCS computer take care of all the commands to the ADCS components. This enables the user’s OBC to focus on the mission operations instead of calculating the complex system dynamics of the spacecraft.
Also, autonomous modes can allow the satellite to track terrestrial objects or the sun simply by setting the states of the ADCS.
The ADCS-10m includes one CMG, five standard FSS-15 fine sun sensors, one FSS-15M (a fine sun sensor with a triaxial magnetometer), three magnetorquers, and one control board.
ADCS-10m Integrated Attitude Determination and Control System
Tensor TechADCS-10m is an integrated ADCS built around a variable-speed, single-gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) suitable for 3U CubeSats. It delivers comparable performances compared to ADCSs designed for similar sizes of satellites but offers lighter weight, more compact volume as it can fit within the tuna can, and less power consumption.
Users can directly input through the onboard computer (OBC) attitude quaternion as the reference command or set the system to automated modes such as de-tumbling, sun-tracking, LVLH, and target tracking modes.
Attitude determination and control algorithms embedded in the ADCS computer take care of all the commands to the ADCS components. This enables the user’s OBC to focus on the mission operations instead of calculating the complex system dynamics of the spacecraft.
Also, autonomous modes can allow the satellite to track terrestrial objects or the sun simply by setting the states of the ADCS.
The ADCS-10m includes one CMG, five standard FSS-15 fine sun sensors, one FSS-15M (a fine sun sensor with a triaxial magnetometer), three magnetorquers, and one control board.
- Tracking
- Fine Pointing
- Sun Pointing
- Detumbling
- Safe Mode
- Optional GNSS receiver
- Comprehensive software support and free technical support
- Lead Time:
- 4 to 8 months
- Pointing Knowledge:
- 0.1 deg @ Sunlit
- Pointing Knowledge:
- 1 deg @ Eclipse
- Pointing Accuracy:
- 0.2 deg @ Sunlit
- Pointing Accuracy:
- 1 degree @ Eclipse
- Power consumption:
- 2.7 W (@ half momentum)
- Voltage Supply:
- 3.3V to 5V
- Form Factor:
- Tuna Can + 0.25U
- Form Factor:
- 0.7U
- Mass:
- <495 g
- Angular Momentum Storage:
- 13 mNms on 2-axis (X, Y)
- Torque:
- < 1 mNm for 2-axis (adjustable)
- Slew Rate:
- >5 deg/sec
- Interface:
- Interface:
- RS485/422
- Interface:
- I2C
- Optional Accessories:
- GNSS receiver and Star Tracker
- Tracking
- Fine Pointing
- Sun Pointing
- Detumbling
- Safe Mode
- Optional GNSS receiver
- Comprehensive software support and free technical support
ADCS-10m is an integrated ADCS built around a variable-speed, single-gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) suitable for 3U CubeSats. It delivers comparable performances compared to ADCSs designed for similar sizes of satellites but offers lighter weight, more compact volume as it can fit within the tuna can, and less power consumption.
Users can directly input through the onboard computer (OBC) attitude quaternion as the reference command or set the system to automated modes such as de-tumbling, sun-tracking, LVLH, and target tracking modes.
Attitude determination and control algorithms embedded in the ADCS computer take care of all the commands to the ADCS components. This enables the user’s OBC to focus on the mission operations instead of calculating the complex system dynamics of the spacecraft.
Also, autonomous modes can allow the satellite to track terrestrial objects or the sun simply by setting the states of the ADCS.
The ADCS-10m includes one CMG, five standard FSS-15 fine sun sensors, one FSS-15M (a fine sun sensor with a triaxial magnetometer), three magnetorquers, and one control board.