Lumi Micro-1 Retroreflector

The Lumi Micro-1 is a small Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) retroreflector for Low Earth Orbit satellites.

The Micro-1 retroreflector is a lightweight flight-proven laser retroreflector, containing 4x corner cubes, improving the accuracy of space surveillance data and ensuring detectability and trackability of a satellite is maintained - dead or alive, via satellite laser ranging.

The simple lightweight design enables easy integration to your system allowing your engineers to focus on the mission.

Hosting one or more retrorefectors enables your mission to benefit from high-precision satellite positioning and orbit determination throughout and beyond any power or data overheads.

Applicatons include:

  • Conjunction warning validation
  • Efficient rendez-vous and proximity operations
  • Low-Thrust manoeuvre measurement and validation
  • Attitude and tumbling assessment
  • Re-entry profile characterisation
Brochure Available On Request. For more information, add the Micro-1 to your cart and submit your request.
20 g
40 x 40 x 13.5 mm^3
Angle of Acceptance:
>120 degrees
Typical Max Altitude:
<1300 km