The Motherboard Module 2 (MBM 2) is part of the CubeSat Kit nanosatellite architecture and is Pumpkin's standard flight computer in the SUPERNOVA spacecraft product line. The MBM 2 host the BeagleBone Black (BBB) as a single CSK compatible module. The MBM 2 w/ BBB fully supports 4.5x UART, an I2C bus, 6x GPIO, USB host, USB device and 10/100Ethernet communications. Also supported are RS-422 + LVTTL SPI/UART/GPIO PHY for transceiver interfaces.
When installed onto an MBM 2, the BBB interfaces to the CSK electrical bus via standardized signals. Additional features like a Real-Time Clock (RTC) with battery backup and a full-size SD Card operating in SPI mode are also provided. Four and a half UARTs (two with -CTS/-RTS flow control), one SPI, one I2C, five general-purpose outputs and one general-purpose input are mapped between the BBB and the CSK bus connector. Additionally, seven dedicated analog inputs are mapped from the CSK bus connector to the BBB’s analog inputs.