Eddie OBC
The Deep Thought On-board Computer (OBC) by Spacemanic is an advanced, high-power CubeSat OBC module, designed for optimal performance in nanosatellite Command & Data Handling (C&DH), Telemetry, Tracking & Command (TT&C), mass storage, and Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS). Spacemanics plug&play design allows for two modules to fit onto one PC104 board saving volume on your platform. Extensive flight heritage.
The Deep Thought On-board Computer (OBC) by Spacemanic is an advanced, high-power CubeSat OBC module, designed for optimal performance in nanosatellite Command & Data Handling (C&DH), Telemetry, Tracking & Command (TT&C), mass storage, and Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS). Spacemanics plug&play design allows for two modules to fit onto one PC104 board saving volume on your platform. Extensive flight heritage.
The Deep Thought On-board Computer (OBC) by Spacemanic is an advanced, high-power CubeSat OBC module, designed for optimal performance in nanosatellite Command & Data Handling (C&DH), Telemetry, Tracking & Command (TT&C), mass storage, and Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS). Spacemanics plug&play design allows for two modules to fit onto one PC104 board saving volume on your platform. Extensive flight heritage.