ADS-B Payload

Alén Space

ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) receiver allows tracking airplanes position and flight parameters. This closed payload has been successfully deployed in several missions and counts with flight heritage.

TOTEM ADS-B decodes frames emitted in 1090 MHz band and provides the following information:

  • ICAO code
  • Callsign
  • Position (latitude and longitude)
  • Altitude
  • Velocity
  • Heading

The ADS-B payload bundle includes:

  • TOTEM SDR Motherboard
  • ADS-B SW application
  • Optional: L-Band antenna
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Lead Time:
12 to 16 weeks
Form Factor:
< 130 g
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Power consumption:
2.5 W in Rx mode
Idle Power Consumption:
1.4 W
Operating Temperature:
-40C to 85C

ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) receiver allows tracking airplanes position and flight parameters. This closed payload has been successfully deployed in several missions and counts with flight heritage.

TOTEM ADS-B decodes frames emitted in 1090 MHz band and provides the following information:

  • ICAO code
  • Callsign
  • Position (latitude and longitude)
  • Altitude
  • Velocity
  • Heading

The ADS-B payload bundle includes:

  • TOTEM SDR Motherboard
  • ADS-B SW application
  • Optional: L-Band antenna